What's on in Albury Surrounds

Albury and its surrounds in New South Wales have a vibrant arts and cultural scene. There is a strong emphasis on public art, with a public art trail showcasing various artworks that reflect the community. AlburyCity supports artists and the creative industry, offering opportunities in different forms of art in the public space.

Throughout the year, Albury hosts a variety of events. The Albury Entertainment Centre is the premier venue for live theatre, business events, and conferences. The Murray Art Museum Albury (MAMA) holds regular exhibitions and events, including the Sketch Club, a monthly drop-in sketching session for drawing enthusiasts.

The region also offers cultural and educational activities. Workshops, exhibitions, and events cover a wide spectrum of interests, such as fashion, wearable art, and kids' exhibitions, providing an enriching experience for families and individuals.

In addition to organized events, there are opportunities for hands-on artistic experiences. Local artists lead workshops on using recycled materials to create art, allowing participants to explore their creativity in a sustainable manner.

Whether it's exploring public art, attending live performances, or participating in educational workshops, the region offers something for everyone to enjoy and appreciate.