Wheelchair Friendly Attractions in Eastern Suburbs

In the Eastern Suburbs of Western Australia, there are several wheelchair-friendly attractions that cater to all visitors. Mandurah is committed to providing accessibility to its beaches, bush tracks, walkways, playgrounds, and events. The Mandurah Ocean Marina Chalets offer free beach wheelchairs and beach walkers for community use.

Lake Monger, situated in Leederville, features a parkland with the famous black swan and offers spacious lawns, a walk and cycle path, and opportunities for activities like jogging, cycling, picnicking, and birdwatching.

The City of Mandurah boasts beautiful parks, foreshore areas, and natural reserves to explore. The Mandurah Ocean Marina Chalets provide beach wheelchairs and beach walkers for easy beach access. They also support the Bins4Blokes campaign, advocating for incontinence bins in male public toilets.

While not in the Eastern Suburbs, the Access Foundation offers a variety of recreational activities for individuals with disabilities, such as surfing, water skiing, snow skiing, abseiling, bowling, tennis, fishing, golf, sailing, scuba diving, kayaking, and camping. When planning a visit to these attractions, it's important to check accessibility features and support service availability for a comfortable and enjoyable experience for all.

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