North Adelaide tours

North Adelaide, a suburb in South Australia near the city's CBD, is characterized by heritage mansions, villas, and worker's cottages, surrounded by perennial trees. The area features residential colleges, bustling dining and shopping precincts on O'Connell and Melbourne Streets, and numerous historical pubs.

Exploring North Adelaide can be done through guided tours like the Adelaide Walking Tour: Hills, Squares, and Parklands. This tour showcases around two-dozen historical sites including homes, churches, and colleges, lasting approximately 2 hours with a maximum of 15 participants. Another option is the Grand Mansions and Historic North Adelaide Walking Tour, which delves into the lower end of historic North Adelaide's heritage.

North Adelaide also offers innovative playgrounds like the North Glover Playspace and Lefevre Park / Nantu Wama, along with popular attractions such as the St Adelaide Zoo and Adelaide Oval, the State's premier sporting stadium.

Explore the region