Derby-West Kimberly art galleries and exhibitions

West Kimberley, Western Australia, is home to numerous art galleries showcasing Indigenous and contemporary art. Some notable galleries and centers in the region include: Waringarri Aboriginal Arts, located in Kununurra, which is the longest-running art center in the Kimberley offering gallery space and cultural tours. Kira Kiro Art Centre in Kalumburu features fabrics and artworks by local Indigenous artists. Short St. Gallery in Broome, owned by Emily Rohr, focuses on Indigenous arts with regular exhibitions at two locations. Black Stump Gallery in Old Broome showcases unique artworks inspired by the Kimberley region and has a sister outlet in Mandurah. Broome Time Art Gallery at Broome Time Resort offers a variety of Kimberley art, traditional and contemporary Indigenous paintings, and other artworks. Krim Benterrak Art Studio presents original paintings by Indigenous artists with unique styles.

These galleries provide a glimpse into the rich cultural heritage of the Kimberley region, showcasing ancient Aboriginal rock art and modern interpretations of Indigenous art forms. Visitors can explore the galleries and support local artists by purchasing their works.

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