Accommodation in Margaret River Central for 11 - 50 guests

Margaret River Central in Western Australia provides a range of accommodation options for groups of 11 to 50 guests. The recommended options include Spacious Deluxe Suites with king-size beds and private spa facilities located near the town center. Original Margaret River offers heritage B&B accommodation close to town attractions with a guest breakfast included.

Dunsborough Central Motel in Dunsborough, though not in Margaret River, provides a comfortable setting with an outdoor pool and fitness center. Palm River Estate in Cape Coral offers a well-equipped villa with a fully stocked kitchen, ideal for group stays, and has received positive guest reviews. Prema Laya accommodates groups of up to 6 people with a sauna and ice bath experience, promoting silence and mindfulness for a relaxing stay.

Consider these accommodation options when planning your trip to Margaret River Central for a comfortable and enjoyable group stay.

Margaret River Central
Capacity range
11 - 50 guests

40 results