Wildlife Centres in Avon Valley

The Avon Valley in Western Australia is known for its diverse flora and fauna, with several wildlife centers and national parks showcasing the region's natural beauty. One of the notable attractions in the area is the Paruna Wildlife Sanctuary, located 50 km northeast of Perth. Covering 20 kmĀ², the sanctuary features walking trails through various forests and habitats, managed by the Australian Wildlife Conservancy. It serves as a vital wildlife corridor along the Avon River, supporting significant species like the Western Quoll and Black-flanked Rock-wallaby.

Another prominent attraction is the Avon Valley National Park, spanning 4,800 hectares of bush reserve. The park's transitional forest includes jarrah, marri, and wandoo woodlands, providing a habitat for a variety of birds and wildlife. Endangered species like the Black-flanked Wallaby can be spotted within the park, offering visitors a chance to explore a unique ecosystem and appreciate the region's biodiversity. Both the Paruna Wildlife Sanctuary and Avon Valley National Park offer nature enthusiasts an immersive and educational experience, allowing them to connect with the diverse flora and fauna of the Avon Valley.

Avon Valley
Wildlife Centres

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