
Langdon House


15 Langdon Court, Daylesford, VIC 3460


Langdon House is a holiday home located in Daylesford, Australia.

It is conveniently situated at 15 Langdon Court, just 1.3 km from the center of Daylesford. The accommodation offers a comfortable and spacious environment for guests to enjoy their stay.

Key features of Langdon House include its size and layout. It is a 5-bedroom holiday home, providing ample space for guests to relax and unwind. The accommodation also features a full kitchen and 3 bathrooms.

Langdon House is equipped with modern amenities to enhance the comfort of guests. It includes a flat-screen TV and a seating area. Some rooms provide a private bathroom with all necessary amenities.

Outdoor space is also available at Langdon House. It offers a spacious decking area with a gas BBQ and outdoor setting, providing guests with the opportunity to enjoy outdoor dining and relaxation.

The location of Langdon House allows for easy access to the center of Daylesford and its attractions. Guests can explore the nearby area and enjoy the amenities and activities available.

Langdon House in Daylesford, Victoria provides a comfortable and well-equipped holiday home for guests to enjoy their stay. With its spacious layout, modern amenities, and convenient location, it offers a pleasant accommodation option for travelers visiting Daylesford.


Type: Vacation Rentals


15 Langdon Court, Daylesford, VIC 3460

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