Japingka Gallery

Last Updated: 14 Sep 2015
Localista Team

Artworks featured at Japingka Gallery this spring.


Stinging Rain – Late Afternoon | $7700
Acrylic on canvas, 180x119cm

Artist | Cairns-based artist Rosella Namok paints aspects of coastal life in tropical north Queensland, in her Monsoon Rain series. She rose to prominence with the Lockhart River Art Gang, combining contemporary techniques with traditional cultural narratives.

Artwork | Rosella Namok captures the light and heat of the north in a series of paintings, showing tropical rain seen at different times of the day and season.


Big Waves Out at Sea | $8200
Acrylic on canvas, 225x110cm

Artwork | Living along the coast of northern Queensland, Rosella Namok has a close eye on the moods of the ocean and the lines of breakers forming out at sea. This artwork embodies this coastal experience.

Warakurna Landscape | $2600
Acrylic on canvas, 101x76cm

Artist | Warakurna artist Cynthia Burke creates her refined dot-style artworks on the Ngaanyatjarra Lands near the Rawlinson Ranges in inland Western Australia.

Artwork | Burke paints aspects of her traditional country, showing the changes that unfold with the seasons and the stages that the country goes through during the year.


Warakurna Landscape | $6500
Acrylic on canvas, 152x152cm

Artwork | Burke describes this painting as good country near Irrunytju – her grandmother's and grandfather's country, where they gathered around the rock holes.


Women's Ceremony | $3600
Acrylic on canvas, 148x90cm

Artist | Debra Young Nakamarra and Katherine Marshall Nakamarra maintain the stories of country told by their mother, esteemed Pintupi artist Walangkaura Napanangka. Their narrative comes from the ritualistic events that occurred at Tjintjintjin, west of Kintore.

Artwork | Debra Young's paintings are bold and culturally significant, following the Pintupi iconography handed on to her by her mother. This is especially evident in Women's Ceremony, in the way the paint is applied in thick, joined dots.


Japingka Gallery specialises in quality Aboriginal art, with more than 4500 artworks in stock. The gallery is located within a heritage 1880s warehouse building in Fremantle's historic West End. See new exhibitions in its upstairs gallery, or visit its artists and exhibitions online. Japingka Gallery's directors have 30 years' experience with Aboriginal art.

47 High Street, Fremantle
(08) 9335 8265, japingka.com.au

Rosella Namok Until September 30
Cynthia Burke – Warakurna Artists Until September 30
Katherine Marshall Nakamarra & Debra Young Nakamarra October 9-November 14
Gabriella Possum & Michelle Possum Nungurrayi October 9-November 14


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