
Mills Charters Whale Watching Tours



Whale watching cruises operate September to December every year. These magnificent ocean mammals travel through Perth waters on their southern migration to Antarctica. Amazing experience.

Mills Charters operate whale watching tours daily during September through to end of November.  Get up close and personal with these magnificent ocean mammals and enjoy this unique and amazing experience. 

There are generally three (3) types of baleen whales seen off the coast of Western Australia.

The Humpback Whale (so named because it arches its back as it prepares to dive so creating the shape of a hump)

The Southern Right Whale (so named because in the old days of whaling, whalers considered this whale the right one to hunt as it swam very slowly and was therefore easy to catch and because its body was so rich in oil, it floated on the surface after it had been killed)

The Blue Whale which is coloured a steely grey on the surface but when seen from below is a beautiful turquoise blue. It is the largest of the Whales, reaching up to 100 feet in length and 130 tonnes in weight. The blue whale is the loudest animal on Earth! This endangered mammal is also the largest animal that ever lived on Earth; it is larger than any of the giant dinosaurs were.


Open days/Times: Daily September to December

Tours: Whale watching

Suited For: Families, Kids under 6, Kids, Kids, Kids, Kids, Seniors

Open Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday


86 Southside Drive, Hillarys, WA 6025

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